Ambergis Martini

Are you done yet?

Um. No.  Well, yes.  But, no.

It's a valid question.

Truth is there are all kinds of "done" in the writing process: done with the first draft, done with second draft, done with crit group edits, done with rewriting, and capital D - Done.

I get pretty excited every time I reached a done. I like celebrations -- there's dancing, hooting, and martini sipping.
 So when can I officially say I am Done and sip my martini straight from the pitcher?

In my mind Done is when this current WIP is beautified to the point that it can be sent out to agents. Then it becomes the book I am selling and something new will snag the title of WIP.  I am looking forward to that part of the adventure.  My goal is to be Done by October 1.  Will that happen?  Maybe-we will jump in that well when we get to it.

It's all pretty clear to me, but it's hard to explain to my interested and supportive friends and family.  I have used many a questionable comparison: writing a book is like building a house, writing a book is like producing a show, writing a book is like turning whale barf into perfume (that's probably the most accurate,)  but the truth is that writing a book is like writing a book and not everybody is gonna get it. Just like I don't get motorcycle racing or reality TV.

How do you explain it?  Or do you?


Unknown said…
I simply respond, "Getting there."

There is when I show them a copy of the book ^_^
Nicole said…
Hope you get to "Done!"
Unknown said…
OH yes! The whale barf will stick with me Kate!
Sarah Tokeley said…
I don't tell anybody anything :-)

Good luck getting 'done'!
Anonymous said…
Good luck getting 'er done!

I just say that there's still a lot of "tweaking" to be done. It is kind of hard to make the non-writerly types "get it" though, eh?
F.E. Sewell said…
Whale barf! Love it!

Just stopping in to say hello, btw. We're in the same beginner bloggers group. :)
Big or little - every "Done!" is worth a party! Yay you :)

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